How resourceful is your mind? Is it working for you, or against you?
In my latest article, I introduced this powerful model that makes psychology simple, intuitive, and accessible to everyone: The Mind Canvas™.
This version of the Mind Canvas model—the one above—is the normal way in which we use our minds. Many times, and in many ways, we use our minds in resourceful ways, using both the positive and neutral quadrants of the Mind Canvas. Some other times, we use our minds in unresourceful ways, experiencing life through the negative quadrants.
The resourceful mind

Now, what does it mean then to have a resourceful mind? And what does a resourceful Mind Canvas look like?
A resourceful mind is, in my opinion, one that does not see things as negative, but as either neutral or positive events. A resourceful mind does not experience things as bad or problematic, but more as events, opportunities, chances for learning and growth, and doors open to new possibilities. A resourceful Mind Canvas is one that has transformed itself in a way that allows it to use anything that happens in life as a resource. And it is also one that uses all of its resources on a regular basis and in a balanced way—the resources of your memory, presence, interpretation/meaning-making, and imagination.
Developing a resourceful mind makes life so much better. It ensures you experience self-empowering feelings and emotions, no matter what life throughs at you. It empowers you to find solutions where there seemed to be none. And it allows you to actively create your reality.
It is not really that relevant whether we use those resources to feel good, build a better future for ourselves or make a positive impact on the world. You can choose to do with your resourcefulness whatever you want. The point is that unresourcefulness is a choice, just as resourcefulness is. The question is, which one do you choose?
How resourceful is your mind?

At this point, you might be curious about what your own Mind Canvas actually looks like—how you are using your Mind Canvas. If this is the case, you can use this free tool called the Mind Resourcefulness Assesssment.
By taking the assessment, you will discover how well you are using your mind’s potential for emotional freedom and personal power. You will get insights into how you are using your Mind Canvas and what that means for your life.
It takes a few minutes to complete. Right after you finish, you will get your personalized report in your email inbox.
In your personalized report, you will find:
1. Your Mind Resourcefulness score
2. How well you use your mind’s resources (memory, imagination, interpretation, etc.)
3. Your mental/emotional strengths, opportunities, and weaknesses
4. Your potential for personal mastery and empowerment
5. Extra resources for your development
Tools like these are incredibly important since they help us become aware of our current situation, the consequences of it, and the potential that is waiting for us to tap into; potential for well-being, empowerment, and positive impact on the world around us.
I hope you enjoy your report, and that it helps you build that resourceful mind.
InJoy, Juan Campoo

About the author

Juan Campoo is a seasoned transformational coach and behavioral expert facilitating personal and organizational evolution. Creator of the Mind Canvas model for personal mastery and writer of the Amazon Best-Selling book under the same name. In the last 10+ years, he has coached, trained, and taught more than 12.000 people either 1-on-1, in groups, or through online courses. Check out other free resources here.